Snapshot on whats happening on Gosport waterfront today
With the weather forecast placing a certain amount of doom and curbing our sailing over the next few days with Storm Force 10 to violent storm 11 expected on the south coast UK...
The Gosport MOD fuel pontoon alarm has been triggered and has been running with a sharp continuous tone now for a few hours, thankfully its not an Easterly wind! A team are working to fix and stop this.
The Forces sailing club are busy trying to get their boats out of the water. At this time of year 3 cranes are hired to dis-mast and crane the boats out of the water for the winter season. The pressure is on to get the boats out in time before strong winds hamper progress.
The weather forecast is supposed to be the worst weather for years for UK waters. Its made worse as all the trees still have their leaves on creating more windage and might result in many trees being felled by the wind.
Peter at Royal Clarence Marina has been busy placing more lines on boats to secure them from the strong winds we are to expect. Thank you Peter.