It's all about birds and fish this month. Starting on the 12th we have an introduction to birds session, a great way to get a new hobby off to a good start. Then join us for a bird walk or boat trip and put your new skills into use. If fish are your thing, then try the Fishy Tales session on the 16th.

Sat 12 November Introduction to Harbour Birds
10am / 2 hours
From the warmth and dry of our classroom, learn about the birds found in the Chichester Harbour area and why many thousands of them come to the harbour for the winter, and weather permitting, do some bird watching from the quay. Bring binoculars if you have them.
Meet: Harbour Education Centre, Dell Quay PO20 7EE.

Sun 13 November Bird Watching By Solar Boat
9:30am / 1.5 hours
Departs from Itchenor. Onboard there will be a guide to help you identify the thousands of birds that visit Chichester Harbour each winter.
Fee: £8.50. Book on 01243 513275.

Wed 16 November Harbour Creekies: Fishy Tales in the Harbour
10am / 1.5 hours
An indoor session in the warmth and dry of our classroom hearing about fishing in the harbour over the years by our good friends who are ‘seasoned anglers’ from the Apuldram Fishing and Boating Club.
A free return minibus trip sponsored by the Friends of Chichester Harbour is available from Chichester railway station for this event, please contact the Harbour Office to book your minibus seat, at least 24 hours in advance. No need to book this event if you do not want to use the minibus.
Fee: £2 per person on the day (£1 to the Fishing Club) to include refreshments
Meet: Harbour Education Centre, Dell Quay, PO20 7EE.

Sat 19 November Itchenor Walk
10am / 2 hours
A 4 mile (6 km) circular walk of the Chichester harbour shoreline and countryside at Itchenor.
Meet: Harbour Office, Itchenor PO20 7AW. Park in pay and display car park and walk to the Harbour Office by the water.

Sun 20 November Joan Edom Bird Walk
10:30am / 2 hours
The first bird watching walk of the season held in memory of the harbour’s first conservation warden, Joan Edom, who held bird walks at this time on winter Sundays for many years. We stroll along the harbour shoreline taking time to observe and identify the birds. For beginners to experts. Dress warmly and for muddy conditions and bring binoculars. No dogs.
Meet: Nutbourne, Farm Lane PO18 8SB. Off the A259 nearly opposite the caravan dealers. Meet by footpath next to the gate. Please park carefully.

Sat 26 November Coppice Walk
10am / 1.5 hours
A stroll around Salterns Copse, the coppiced woodland managed by the Conservancy for nature conservation, hearing about the history of coppicing this woodland and what is involved in managing the woodland today. With Harbour Ranger Georgie Siddle, complimentary refreshments afterwards.
Meet: Chichester Marina visitors’ car park PO20 7EJ. The car park is first on the right. Please meet promptly and we will drive on as a group through the barrier.

Sun 27 November Bird Watching By Boat
9:30am / 1.5 hours
Departs from Itchenor. Onboard there will be a guide to help you identify the thousands of birds that visit Chichester Harbour each winter.
Fee: £8.50. Book on 01243 513275.